Gary A. Edwards Entertainment Blog 09/24/2023

Gary A. Edwards Entertainment Blog 9/24/22 

Exciting News – A couple of days ago a concert promoter approached me about working together to promote my music. He said he had connections to a theater in a larger city nearby and also has connections to a very good possible investor. Yesterday a talented person approached me and offered to produce my works. I’m not going to print any names until these connections become more official but I am hopeful that my goal of getting an EGOT (Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony awards) and a Pulitzer Prize for my music creations is coming closer to fruition.

WaTaino CD Update- A famous Puerto Rican comedian and actor named Raulito Carbonell  filmed a documentary on Puerto Rican landmark sites and used our Wataino music created by me and co-writer Orlando Sanchez for the soundtrack. Unfortunately, the pilot was not picked up for further production.

Mildred Bailey Music –Cecilia Curtis of the Coeur d'Alene Tribe is singing songs made famous by Mildred Bailey a member of the Coeur d'Alene Tribe at The Coeur d’Alene Tribal Casino. Contact the Casino for dates and times. I created the show, transcribed the music and conducted the band. Now the show is available for wider production beyond the Coeur d’Alene reservation boundaries.

A Train Through Time – Cowriter Claude Solnik sent me a new musical script called A Train Through Time about travelers stuck on a train that is traveling through time and they can only get off at certain stations in time when it is their time.  I completed composing the music for it this summer. Two previous productions premiered in New York City including Stealing Mona Lisa on December 22, 2022 and June 9th, 2023. Soon we are starting to work on a fifth musical together.

Flashback Band – I was hired recently to play bass in a band called Flashback because we play classic rock n’ roll from the 50’s and 60’s. We have played together twice at the Dueling Piano Bar in downtown Coeur d’Alene. The performances were very successful.

The Flying Pig Farm project – A lady named Kimberly Bennet approached me and said she was looking for a composer. So far she has given me the lyrics to six quirky songs featuring farm animals singing. For instance, one song is about a wolf who is a veterinarian and is conflicted because she wants to eat her chicken patients. We recorded six demos at my Sound Engineer Dan Lewis’ studio and are now promoting the songs.

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Gary A. Edwards 


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